• Claudia, one thing I enjoy in this life is coffee, the quality and flavor of the coffee that bears your name is delicious! My first approach was to just fill in the alternative container for the Keurig and brew, it was nice, but I’ve remembered one of my daughters gave a coffee maker where one brew coffee the old way, that was awesome, it seems this technique really gets the flavor out of the blend making it even more enjoyable. Kudos for your blend!

    JC Alexandres
  • Hi Claudia, I wanted to say hi and I enjoyed your live chat on FB yesterday. I have yet ordered any coffee from you, but I’m gonna.
    Yesterday I was looking at new drums, I plan on buying a set this summer. I always say hi to you, I hope someday you will Interduce your band. My local radio stations I listen to in Michigan are Watz FM in which they play country or Smile FM is a Christian music station.
    I enjoy your music.. Thank You and
    Have a great bay and God bless you!

    Rob B
  • I got my autographed bag of ground hoyser country blend today and it was the best coffee I have ever had I will continue to buy this and you all should to you wont be sorry plus claudia took the time to hand autographed the bag she’s an amazing artist and women thank you claudia

    Robbie Mcmenamin
  • With all the turmoil and current events such as the recent tornadoes in Nashville and the corona virus, there is one way that I can sit back and escape the negatives. I pour myself a large cup of Hoyser Country Blend, turn on some Hoyser Music, and relax and think of all the good things in life! No better way to end the day!! #positivevibes With #HCB : ) ♡ ☆☆

    Robert Baker
  • Hoyser Country Blend Coffee kicks Butt! Love waking up to a cup of the “good stuff!”

    Joe szabo

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